In this blog post, we will be going over the points of supporting osu!,
Support osu! page. This shows if you have an osu! supporter tag, and a "thank you" to those who have supported the game. |
Why you should support osu! |
- Developed and maintained predominantly by one guy in Australia. That is Peppy (Dean Herbert), the founder of this game. This box is self-explanatory.
- Takes so much time to keep running that it's no longer possible to call it a "hobby". Originally, or presumably, osu! used to be a hobby project that was just for fun. Now that it's been exploding to a larger and larger community, it has no longer been a hobby for Peppy to keep this game running.
- No ads anywhere. Wow, you may or may have not noticed, but how convenient it is that there are no ads anywhere!
- You get some extra goodies! We will explore this next.
Extra goodies! |
- osu!direct. You know how in order non-supporters to get new songs added to the game, they need to go onto the website, download it, and drag the file into the game? As hard or easy as it is to do it, it can be way easier with osu!direct. With this, a program is implemented into the game which enables you do download any song from inside the game. Swiftly!
- Automatic downloads. A continuation for the description of osu!direct.
- Increased beatmap submission. When you are to first start playing osu!, you have a maximum of 3 pending maps that you can submit for ranking in the game. With supporter, you can submit 1 more! Why does it say up to 10 in the description? Well, everytime a player gets one of their beatmaps ranked, they gain one more slot for pending beatmaps. This is so that player, who has contributed to the game by ranking a beatmap, can rank more of their maps somewhat faster. The maximum for a non-supporter is 9 beatmaps, and therefore, with supporter, you can sumbit 10 at a time! (Example: You rank a beatmap. Instead of having 3 or 4 total slots, you will gain a slot. If you rank another, instead of having 4 or 5 total slots, you will get 1 more slot!)
- Access to early releases. I'd say that this is self-explanatory, unless you've never played any other game before. Basically, an early release is a new implement into the game in which specific people may test it, while the regular players must wait for its full release. Kind of like a PTR, or public test realm.
- User page. You are allowed to edit your user page. You can find this on the website account settings.
- Filter beatmaps from filtered and unfiltered. Ever felt like you wanted to go back and improve upon those beatmaps that you've played when you were first new to the game, but you couldn't because you forgot what beatmaps they were, and because you deleted them from the game? Well, with this, you can see all the beatmaps you've played or not. So, depending on if you want to explore or dive into the past, this will relieve you.
- Colored username. Who wouldn't want to be known for supporting osu!? Now, in game, people will be able to see that you're a supporter when you chat. Instead of a fading-yellow color that normal users have, you will have a vibrant yellow!
- More lenient download restrictions. A continuation for the description of osu!direct.
- The ability to change your username. You can only do this once max, and you need to be supporter in order to. You can change your name to any name you want, even a taken one, as long as the person hasn't played for a while and has lesser than a certain amount of plays. (It's logical thinking this way.)
- Skinnables. Ever feel sick of the annoying blue background you see when you log on, with those red and yellow stripes? Now, you can change it to ANYTHING, absolutely ANY picture to soothe your eyes! (I'm just not sure if gifs work, I don't think they do. You may try if you wish.)
- Feature requests. These are requests made by players alike for the game. You can find the forum here. You can vote on your requests, with a maximum of 2 votes for ever month you pay for supporter. If you happen to not use any votes for one month, you will keep those two votes until you use them.
- View extra leaderboards for ranked beatmaps. I personally enjoy using this ability very much. I like to see my friends' scores for songs and try to beat them so I can shove it in their faces. It doesn't really work though, as I'm not as good as they are. ;w;
- The warm and fuzzy feelings. My favorite.
So how much is it? Only $4 a month! It helps osu! run for a whole 6 minutes! Doesn't sound like much, I know, but it definitely adds up!
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