My detailed statistics. |
- Ranked Score-This is your overall score from all the times you have played a song that is ranked. A ranked song is a song that has fully been established and checked with no issues at all. It's different from pending, WIP (Work in progress), and approved maps.
- Pending-Means that the song is finished with and it is waiting for people to make suggestions to improve it.
- WIP-Means that the song is still being worked on.
- Approved-Close to being ranked, but if an issue is found it can be removed from the approved list and moved back to the pending list.
- Hit Accuracy-This is the overall, well, accuracy that you have while playing. It averages out.
- Play count-This measures how many times you've played any song, ever. (Well not when you're offline..)
- Total Score-This is similar to ranked score, but this number also increases (in addition to ranked map score [In osu!, songs can also be called maps, because beatmaps are the full name for them]) with maps that you have played that can be a WIP, approved, or pending map.
- Current Level-Increased by getting points (from ranked score only, because if it was anything, players would make their own maps that could purposely be made to give the player a lot of points).
- Total Hits-The total amount of hits that you've done, with sliders, circles, or spinners (Ranked score only, same reason above).
- Maximum Combo-Self explanatory. While playing, your combo increases, as long as you don't mess up at all. If you mess up, the counter resets to 0. In this case, my maximum combo was 1,037, so that means that at one time of playing, I got a combo all the way up at 1,037 without messing up once!
The secret to winning in osu!: Practice! Now, you would have probably expected a simple answer such as the one I gave you, but it's the only way to say it. Practice makes perfect! Don't expect to play right away starting with the hardest difficulties ever made. If you haven't had experience in the past, or if you've never played osu! before, you're a noob. Don't take that as a bad thing, to me it just means, "a new player." As you practice a little bit everyday, you will *~magically~* gain ~*mystical*~ powers where you can play more and more challenging maps with ease! Be aware, though, that if you decide to leave osu! for more than a couple of weeks, your skill will not match your skill before you left. In other words, if you don't practice for a while, you won't be as good. It works just like how mainly everything else works in life. Without review, you forget.
Gah, it's annoying to write this, but if you have any questions, write in the comments below! You can also write in the comments below if you have anything nice to say. :3
Want to play? Click here to go to the real osu! website!
Click here for the basics that I explained earlier about osu!!